DomainGenie™ Create Fantastic
New Available Domain Names
by Bill SerGio

Everyone knows how hard it can be to create a new domain name and in business today you must have a good domain name. I produce half hour TV infomercials hosted by famous celebrities to sell a variety of products from diets to software. Every time I create a new TV infomercial selling a new product I have to create a new domain name for that product. As most readers know, all the good domain names are already taken.
Since one infomercial will gross from $20 million to $300 million from TV sales alone in one year, it is extremely important to get an easy-to-remember domain name. A domain name can make or break an infomercial and this also applies to many other online businesses. Many TV viewers look for a website based on the product name. For example, if the product name were "Domain-Genie" they would automatically assume the domain name is so we always try to make the name of the product on an infomercial the domain name for the infomercial.
In this article I will present one approach to creating good infomercial domain names that are still avaialble that attempts to both generate good domain names and to check those names for availability. Since ICANN doesn't allow you to run scripts for checking domain availability against their servers I decided to use DNS checks that don't access ICANN servers. My approach only gives you an approximate idea of which names are available but it helps to whittle down the lists you create.
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